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Gambia to build secretariat for pan African rights body

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Banjul, Gambia, November 3 (Infosplusgabon) - The Gambian government has said preparations are at an advanced stage for the country to build a new secretariat for the Banjul-based African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Infosplusgabon reported Friday.


“My government is aware of the obligation of The Gambia under the 'Host State Agreement' to construct a permanent structure to house the Secretariat of the Commission,” President Adama Barrow said at the ongoing session of the commission.


“Consequently, the Ministry of Justice, in consultation with the Secretariat of the Commission, has constituted a taskforce comprising all stakeholders mandated, among other things, to raise funds for the construction of the said Secretariat.”


The Gambian leader also pointed out that his government would be making a declaration pursuant to Article 34(6) of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights to allow individuals and NGOs to have direct access to the Court.


“The Government is equally conscious of its other treaty obligations, including the timely submission of reports to the Commission under the Charter.”


“The African dream that gave life to the establishment of the Commission 30 years ago is much alive today as it was then. I wish to reiterate the total commitment of the Government of The Gambia to the African Commission and its ideals. We stand ready and willing to work with you to champion the cause of respect for and protection of human rights of all peoples on the African continent,” Barrow added.


The Gambian leader called on all states on the African continent to give their full support to the commission.


He promised to carry out key reforms of his administration geared towards the adoption of a new Republican Constitution within the shortest time possible.


“Existing constitutional provisions on protection of human rights shall be strengthened in the new constitutional order. However, it is important to note that human rights protection must not only be about enacting laws on paper. Concrete steps must be taken through the creation of institutions, policies and programs for the full realization and enjoyment of these rights,” President Barrow added.






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