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Kenya opposition rules out seeking redress in court

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Nairobi, Kenya, November 2 (Infosplusgabon) - National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi has said there are no plans by the National Super Alliance (NASA) to go to the Supreme Court to challenge the October 26 repeat presidential election that saw President Uhuru Kenyatta emerge victor.


The MP, whose party flagbearer, Raila Odinga, boycotted the repeat poll, saying the playing field was not level, on Tuesday said the move to challenge the outcome of the poll to have it annulled will be a process in vain.


After the August 8 General Elections in which incumbent President  Uhuru Kenyatta was declared the winner with 54 percent against Odinga's 44 percent, the former lodged a petition at the Supreme Court, which annulled the polls, citing irregularities and illegalities, ordering that fresh presidential poll be held within 60 days.


Odinga had demanded  that sweeping changes in the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), accused o bungling the exercise.


The IEBC, however, stayed put, retaining the same officials whose sacking or sidelining Odinga had demanded


NASA, the chief opposition party in Kenya, says its focusing its attention on the People’s Assembly, the latest opposition new formation which he termed will be a vehicle through which they will push their agenda with.


“Even if you get that prayer and have the elections annulled nothing is going to be different with the same electoral commission officials still in office. The People’s Assembly will start a serious discussion on how the party can have the government listen to our plea,” said Mbadi.


The Opposition has until next week Monday midnight to file a petition to the Supreme Court to challenge Kenyatta’s win failure to which Kenyatta will proceed to be sworn in as President.


The Kenyan Constitution allows an aggrieved party, including a voter, to challenge the elections results in court.





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