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Libya's presidential council to tighten security in Tripoli

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Tripoli, Libya, November 2 (Infosplusgabon) - The chairman of the presidential council of the Libyan government of national accord, Fayez al-Sarraj, has approved several security programmes aimed at maintaining public safety in Tripol.


The decisions were made at a meeting in Tripoli on Wednesday chaired by Mr al-Sarraj in the attended by the Interior minister, Aref Khoja, and the head of investigation at the office of the Public Prosecutor, Seddigh al-Sour, according to an official communiqué issued by the information office of the Libyan presidential council.


Tripoli has, over the past few months, faced a fresh outbreak of criminality related to a small group of delinquents with hold-ups, armed robberies, abductions and hostage taking.


The communique said that the meeting examined the general security in the country, with the every security chief presenting a report on the programmes and efforts to maintain public safety and tighten security.







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