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Burkinabe opposition demands resignation of Security minister

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, October 31 (Infosplusgabon) - Opposition political parties in Burkina Faso, coming together under a single front, on Tuesday demanded the resignation of the Minister of Security, Simon Compaoré, who they say is "incompetent".


"With regards to the irresponsible behaviour of Mr Simon Compaoré (Minister of Security) and the incompetence he showed towards the security problems in our country, the opposition demands his immediate resignation from his post," says the opposition in a declaration.


"in a normal country, such a minister is discharged and replaced by a more competent person, especially if it is about a sensitive ministry like Security. But Mr Simon Compaoré being a key ‘shareholder’ of the ruling MPP, can afford scoffing at anybody, including president Kaboré, who himself visibly lacks authority to impose sanctions against him."


"On the security situation in our dear country, and after such proof of incompetence and arrogance, keeping Mr Simon Compaoré in the post is showing that the issue of security of the Burkinabe citizens is not taken into seriously," says the declaration’.


The security situation in Burkina Faso is marked by daily terrorist attacks, particularly in the north of the country.






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