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Rights group asks France to extradite former Burkinabe president's brother

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Ouagadougou, Burkina, October 30 (Infosplusgabon) - A human rights group is asking France to extradite the younger brother of former Burkinabe President Blaise Compaore to answer questions on the unresolved murder of a journalist in the West African country in 1998.


Le Balai Citoyen on Monday said Francois Compaore was arrested in Paris on Sunday

on arrival in Paris on an Air France flight from Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. He was arrested as part of an international arrest warrant against him in the case of the murder of journalist Norbert Zongo in 1998.


"Le Balai Citoyen demands his extradition as soon as possible and his appearance before the investigating judge in charge of the case. While lauding this arrest, which is a big step in the fight against impunity, Le Balai Citoyen calls on the people to remain vigilant so that no suspected criminal escapes justice," a statement of the movement said.


Francois Compaore has since May been under arrest warrant in the investigation of the assassination of the investigative journalist.


The journalist, who was investigating the murder of a driver of Francois Compaore, was found dead and burned with three of his companions. No action was taken by the government at the time.


The Compaoré brothers fled Burkina Faso following a popular uprising in October 2014 in which the president was overthrown.






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