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ECOWAS annual meeting on 'health planning' opens in Niamey

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Niamey, Niger, October 26 (Infosplusgabon) - The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) annual meeting on health planning opened Thursday in Niamey, under the theme: "Continuing and strengthening dialogue and collaboration on health planning and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms".


Opening the three-day meeting, attended by all ECOWAS member countries, the Secretary-General of the Nigerien Ministry of Health, Dr Abaché Ranaou, called for strong national health strategies as a way to respond to the challenges facing "our health systems" in the region.


Participants are discussing health issues of major concerns across the region and at the heart of national and international political agendas.


"We hope that these inter-country exchanges will allow each other to draw lessons and successes so that they can move forward on projects that are so important to our health systems," said Dr. Abaché.

Also speaking at the event, the Director General of the West African Health Organization (WAHO), Dr Xavier Crespin, also recalled the mandate of his Institution, including "offering the highest level of health care to the populations of the sub region on the basis of the harmonization of the policies of the Member States ".


According to him, it is a question of bringing together the directors in charge of the planning in the Ministries of Health of the member states of ECOWAS as well as other actors each year to not only measure the progress made in the implementation of the National Plans of health development, but also to identify prospects for improving the planning and monitoring and evaluation system.





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