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Rwanda issues public alert on Marburg hemorrhagic fever threat

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Kigali, Rwanda, October  23 (Infosplusgabon) - Rwanda's Ministry of Health on Monday issued a public alert on Marburg hemorrhagic fever asking the population to remain vigilant as government steps up measures to prevent the outbreak of the deadly virus in the country.


This follows reports that the virus has been officially confirmed in Uganda.


The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that Marburg hemorrhagic fever is a highly contagious disease transmitted from person to person and characterized by fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, sore throat, weakness, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pains and bleeding from all orifices.


Last week, health officials in Uganda confirmed that at least one person had died of Marburg in eastern Uganda.


Uganda has faced outbreaks of hemorrhagic fevers before, including an Ebola outbreak in 2000 that killed more than 200 people.


Uganda's Kabale district borders Rwanda whose districts of Gicumbi, Musanze, Nyagatare and Burera are at high risk.


In a statement, the Ministry of Health in Kigali has called on the public to immediately report any signs or suspected cases of Marburg hemorrhagic fever.






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