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Rwanda rejects obstructing work of UN human rights commission

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Kigali, Rwanda,  October 23 (Infosplusgabon) - Rwandan minister of Justice, Johnston Busingye, on Monday rejected claims it interfered in the work of the UN Sub-Committee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) describing the mission's decision to terminate its work in the country last week as "an act of bad faith".


The UN mission alleged there was lack of cooperation from the Government in the form of a series of obstructions imposed by authorities.


It also alleged that they were denied access to some places of detention and assurance of confidentiality of interviews with people deprived of their liberty.


However, Mr. Busingye said in a statement in Kigali that any technical issues that arose during field visits were immediately resolved.


"Rwanda invited the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture for a regular monitoring mission ...For five days, the committee conducted field visits to several institutions including prisons, police stations, transit centres, and a psychiatric hospital, interviewing staff, inmates, and patients," the statement quoted Mr. Busingye as saying.


"Allegations of reprisals for anyone interviewed are baseless and inflammatory. While we will continue to uphold the Convention against Torture, we will consider our options in respect of the Optional Protocol," he said.


Under the provisions of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT), the SPT has the mandate to visit any of the 84 States parties to the Protocol and can make unannounced visits to any places where people are or might be detained.


In addition, the visited country must grant the opportunity to the delegation to have private interviews with any persons deprived of their liberty, without witnesses.


"The SPT exists to reinforce national institutions, not replace them," Busingye said.






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