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US: UN chief Guterres welcomes peaceful elections in Liberia

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New York, US, October 12 (Infosplusgabon) - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed Tuesday's peaceful presidential and House of Representatives elections in Liberia and reiterated the continued support of the UN to the consolidation of peace and democracy in the West African country.


“The Secretary-General commends the efforts of the National Elections Commission and security institutions for this important milestone in the history of Liberia,” said a statement issued by his Spokesman Stéphane Dujarric.


Also in the statement issued in New York on Thursday, the UN chief congratulated the people of Liberia who turned out enthusiastically in high numbers to vote, and commended the Liberian women's groups for their active and important role in the electoral process. The results are yet to be announced.


UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia, deployed in 2003 after a civil war ended, handed back responsibility for security to the country's army and police in 2016, as part of its exit strategy.







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