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Mali: Mamoutou Touré elected new president of Malian Football Federation

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Bamako, Mali,  October 10 (Infosplusgabon) -  Mamoutou Touré was on Monday elected, for a four-year term, head of the Malian Football Federation (FEMAFOOT) at its General Assembly in Bamako.



His challenger, Salaha Baby, withdrew alleging non-transparency in the vote.


Toure received 39 votes while 18 voters abstained.


A former FEMAFOOT vice-president, Touré succeeds the Inspector General of Police, Boubacar Baba Diarra, who decided not to run for a second term.


Touré, who is expected to assume office in a week, has reached out to his only challenger, Sahala Baby, to join him in the interest of Malian football.


Since the last election four years ago, Malian football has experienced deep crisis of leadership.


The Association of Leagues, composed of several club presidents, has described outgoing FEMAFOOT executive committee as "illegal and corrupt".


In spite of the interventions by the President of the National Assembly, Minister in charge of Sports and even the President of the Republic, both sides had failed to bury the hatchet until this election.





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