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Liberia: Over 520 int'l, 4,780 local observers monitor Liberian polls

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Monrovia, Liberia, October  10  (Infosplusgabon) -  About 523 international election observers are accredited by the National Elections Commission (NEC) to watch Tuesday's presidential and legislative elections in Liberia.

Joe Yarsiah, Director of NEC’s Political Affairs, disclosed Tuesday that the commission has also accredited 4,780 local observers, while over 400 local and foreign journalists got the green light to cover the polls.


Also getting the go ahead to observe the polls, according to Yarsiah, are 24 of the 26 registered political parties that were given 10,780 badges each to send observers to the over 5,300 polling stations.


The NEC official disclosed that the commission has been engaged in accrediting observers for over two months and that even on the eve of the polls there were still new arrivals from abroad seeking permits to participate in the exercise.


Over 2.1 million Liberians go to the polls Tuesday, October 10, to elect a president and 73 members of parliament to sit in the lower house called the House of Representatives.


They will be voting in 2,080 precincts and at 5,390 polling places.


Voting closes at 18:00 hours Tuesday, and results are expected to be announced by October 25.




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