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Sudan: 'Sanctions were lifted in recognition of positive measures by Khartoum' - US Diplomat

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KHARTOUM, Sudan, October 7 (Infosplusgabon) -  The Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Khartoum has stated that his country repealed the economic sanctions imposed on Sudan in recognition of the positive measures taken by the Sudanese government in cooperating with the US in countering terrorism and for observing the cessation of hostilities.



The US diplomat, Steven Koutsis, told reporters here on Saturday that those measures included improvement of the humanitarian operations, putting an end to activities disturbing the stability of South Sudan and improving the security in the region.


He said the revocation of the economic sanctions would come into effect on Thursday, October 12, indicating that there is still the need for further efforts to achieve a sustainable peace, improve human rights and religious freedoms and commitment to the UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea.


The US Charge d'Affaires added that his country would work with the government of Sudan in the coming months to prevent a setback from those positive measures.






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