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Ethiopia: New US Ambassador to Ethiopia arrives in Addis Ababa

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ADDIS ABEBA,  Ethiopia,  September 29  (Infosplusgabon)  - The newly appointed US Ambassador to Ethiopia Michael Raynor has arrived in Addis Ababa with a pledge to help strengthen governance and democracy, the US Embassy said on Friday.


"We are pleased to announce the arrival of U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Michael Raynor," the Embassy said in a statement.


In a video message announcing his arrival, the US Ambassador said: "Having spent most of my career in Africa, I have a deep appreciation for Ethiopia’s history and role on the continent."


The new ambassador said he would focus on building prosperity, improving education and health, strengthening governance and democratic institutions, and promoting regional peace.


"I will also do everything I can to deepen the enduring friendship between our nations and people," the envoy said.






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