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Sierra Leone: Christian leaders plead for Nigerian preacher arrested for hate speech

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FREETOWN,  Sierra Leone, September 29 (Infosplusgabon) -  Christian leaders in Sierre Leone have called on the Muslim community to forgive Nigerian Pastor Victor Ajisafe, who has been arrested after he verbally attacked Muslims and Islam in a sermon in what has been described as hate speech.



“Christian leaders are humbly calling on the government to tamper justice with mercy on the issue,” Rev. Usman Fornah, said at a news conference on Thursday in Freetown.


Christian leaders also demanded that Pastor Ajesafe, who is being held at the Criminal Investigation Department, apologizes to the Muslim community.

The church leaders disassociated themselves from Pastor Ajisafe’s comment, insisting that the hate speech was his personal opinion.

“The position expressed against Muslims was Ajisafe’s personal opinion and does not represent that of Christians in Sierra Leone,” they said.

Sierra Leone is already divided politically and many fear that the country cannot do with a religious division.





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