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Ghana: Dozens of Ghana radio stations closed down

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ACCRA, Ghana,  September 29 (Infosplusgabon)  -  Ghana's communications regulatory body has swooped on radio stations operating in the country slapping various sanctions on 131 of them including hefty fines and revocation of licences following a nationwide FM Spectrum Audit.


The National Communications Authority (NCA) in a statement on Friday said 34 radio stations had their licences revoked because their authorizations had expired and were therefore operating illegally.


NCA has given several stations 30 days to settle their indebtedness or submit the relevant documentation to the regulatory body.


An Accra-based pro-opposition station, Montie FM, is among those that have been shut down. Now its sister station, Radio Gold, has been slapped with a 61.33 million Ghana cedis (about US$13.6 million) fine. Another huge fine of 60.35 million Ghana cedis (US$13.4 million) was imposed on a popular Accra-based station, Atlantis Radio.





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