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Niger: UNDP offers communication material to strengthen public security

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NIAMEY,  Niger, September 29 (Infosplusgabon) - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Thursday handed over to Niger's Ministry of Interior communication equipment worth US$ 2 million to  offered by Japan to beef up local and regional security.


The donation, which included four-wheel drive vehicles, equipped with high-frequency radios, is intended for use in fighting terrorism.


Speaking at the handover ceremony, acting UN Resident Representative, Mrs Nicole Kouassi said that the donation was implemented in partnership with the Minister of Interior, Public Safety, Decentralisation and Traditional and Religious Affairs and covers the eight regions of the country from March 2017 to December 2018.


Mrs Kouassi said that the project aims to strengthen the judicial and institutional capacities of the ministry in charge of home affairs, regional authorities and local security councils through the acquisition of equipment and material (vehicles and radios), the training of regional and departmental authorities on security measures in the eight regions, improve the regional and municipal prevention, coordination mechanisms to manage crises.



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