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South Africa: Thousands of protestors want Zuma to step down

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CAPE TOWN, South Africa, September 27 (Infosplusgabon) - Tens of thousands of protestors on Wednesday marched in several cities across South Africa, calling on President Jacob Zuma to step down.


The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) – the country’s biggest trade union federation with 1.7 million members – joined members of the SA Communist Party in calling for an end to corruption and state capture.


Zuma, his son Duduzane, and several key government ministers have been linked to the massive state capture scandal which has rocked the country.


The biggest march took place in Johanensburg where demonstrators chanted “we are ready for Ramaphosa”, referring to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa. COSATU’s Secretary General Bheki Ntshalintshali said “this strike is about sending a message to both government and private sector that as workers and citizens we are tired of corruption”.


COSATU is officially backing Ramaphosa, a former trade union leader and businessman, in the race to replace Zuma as party leader.


In Cape Town, COSATU's Western Cape secretary, Tony Ehrenreich, told a rally that government funds should be used to benefit those who suffered under apartheid. “Cosatu wants to see an end to corruption and today we will ensure that we start that journey that will end with the removal of Zuma in December” when the ruling party holds its elective conference.




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