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Nigeria: Buhari departs New York for London for another medical checkup

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ABUJA, Nigeria, September 22 (Infosplusgabon) - Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday left New York for London after addressing the United Nations General Assembly.


Government officials said in Abuja before the president left for the UN General Assembly that he would stop over in London for another medical checkup. The results of that checkup will determine when he will return Abuja.


President Buhari’s presence in New York provoked protests by hundreds of Nigerians, most of them from the Igbo ethnic group, decrying his government’s deployment of troops to the southeast zone in a military operation tagged, “Python Dance II.”


The operation is aimed at containing the activities of the separatist group, the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), which is agitating for a referendum for the Igbo-dominated southeastern zone of Nigeria to become a separate country.


President Buhari returned to Nigeria from the UK on 19 August after spending 103 days receiving medical treatment for an undisclosed ailment.





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