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US: Namibian president highlights need for 'development that reaches all people'

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NEW YORK,  US, September 21 (Infosplusgabon) - Hage G. Geingob, the President of Namibia, has highlighted the importance of a “development that reaches all people in an equitable manner” in is address on Wednesday to the UN General Assembly.


“Growing income disparities, between nations and within nations, poses the greatest threat for peace within countries and globally,” he said the Assembly’s 72nd annual general debate, stressing that as long as there’s poverty and income inequality in Namibia, lasting peace and social justice would not be achieved.


President Geinbog also noted the Namibian support of gender equality and the importance of including women and girls in development, as well as the youth. “We, in Namibia, believe that gender equity is equally important for a stable and harmonious society,” he added, recognising also the contribution of women in promoting global peace.


He expressed the importance of seeing Africa as an “important and equal partner of the international community, with a contribution to make”, instead of “only a source of primary commodities”.


“It is only through unity,  that we will bring about a world free from hunger and poverty. It is only through unity, that we will deliver a sustainable planet for our children and their children,” he concluded.




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