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Sierra Leone: Sierra Leonan Diaspora to play charity match for mudslide victims

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FREETOWN,  Sierra Leone, September 16 (Infosplusgabon) -  Sierra Leonean ex-footballers in London have announced that they will play a charity match against Dulwich Hamlet FC on Sunday and donate the proceeds to victims of last month's mudslide and floods in Freetown.


One of the organizers of the match, John Sesay, said: “We, as concerned Sierra Leoneans in the UK, felt we have a responsibility to do something in aid of the mudslide victims and as a result have chosen football and entertainment to raise funds.”


Hamlet FC has had a close connection with Sierra Leone over the years with a host of Sierra Leone ex-internationals having gone through the club's playing and coaching system.


Sesay said a host of ex-Sierra Leonean internationals would be in London this weekend to honor the fixture, including former skipper Ibrahim Kargbo, who is a player for Hamlet Dulwich.


The charity event would be all inclusive - a cultural and entertainment show is set to go on simultaneously at Champion Hill till late in the evening.


On 14 August, hundreds of Sierra Leoneans were killed in mudslide and floods in Freetown with thousands more displaced. Since then, a number of organizations at home and abroad have been contributing to help the survivors get back on their feet.





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