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Kenya: Kenya election chief in quagmire ahead of fresh poll

NAIROBI,  Kenya, September 7 (Infosplusgabon) -  Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati is finding himself in a tight spot after Jubilee Party on whose ticket President  Uhuru Kenyatta ran in the now nullified presidential elections rejected the new team named to run the fresh polls.


The commission declared Kenyatta the winner during the now discredited general election on 8 August.


According to the IEBC Kenyatta won the poll with 54 percent against main challenger, National Super Alliance (NASA) challenger Raila Odinga's 48 percent.


But Odinga, a former prime minister, claiming the election was rigged in favour Kenyatta, filed a petition in the Supreme Court.


On 1 September, the Supreme Court, ruled that election failed to meet the constitutional threshold. It nullified the results and ordered fresh presidential election to be held in 60 days. IEBC has fixed 17 October for the rerun.


NASA flag bearer Odinga is demandeding a reconstitution of the commission and the sacking of the commissioners, chairman Wafula Chebukati and CEO Ezra Chiloba.


But the removal of the commission top brass, who NASA termed as ''criminals who should be in jail,'' faces legal hurdles as the country currently lacks a substantive president.


Uhuru Kenyatta lacks the full presidential powers, he is but a caretaker president.


The Jubilee Party has rejected the new polls team picked by Chebukati, saying that it does not have confidence in the ability and impartiality of team leader, Marjan Hussein.


Technically, Chebukati has sidelined Chiloba, who as the head of the secretariat, many Kenyans finger for the botched election. Chebukati is due to meet the two political parties Thursday, apparently to break the stalemate.


Both Kenyatta and Odinga have hit the road running, campaigning in different parts of the country ahead of the fresh poll, a two-man race in which the other fringe candidates have been locked out.


Kenyatta and Odinga are scions of Kenya's founding fathers - Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga - Kenya's first president and vice-president respectively.


The two fell apart barely two years after Kenya attained independence in 1963, and today their sons are bitter rivals.





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