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OECD Environmental Performance Review of Costa Rica 2023

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LIBREVILLE, October 1 (Infosplusgabon) - Costa Rica is known globally as a green country and ecotourism destination. Its long-standing biodiversity policy has helped to reverse deforestation and protect the country’s ecosystems and wildlife. However, more must be done to tackle pressures on biodiversity, address climate change, and improve waste and water management. Large-scale investment through mobilisation of private finance, strict enforcement of regulations and adequate incentives will be crucial to the country’s transition to a circular and decarbonised economy.


The OECD will release its first Environmental Performance Review of Costa Rica on Friday 6 October. The Review examines Costa Rica’s progress towards sustainable development and biodiversity goals and provides 52 recommendations. The report will be released following the first Ministerial Summit on Environmental Sustainability in Latin America and Caribbean, which will aim to enhance the region’s green transition and identify priority actions to achieve carbon neutrality and carbon resilience by 2050.

The event will be opened with virtual remarks by OECD Environment Director Jo Tyndall, followed by a presentation of the Review’s findings and recommendations by OECD Environment Deputy Director Mathilde Mesnard who will take questions alongside Costa Rica’s Minister of Environment and Energy, Franz Tattenbach Capra.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews (EPRs) provide independent, evidence-based assessments of countries’ progress towards their environmental objectives. They offer recommendations to support countries in their efforts to strengthen policies that contribute to environmental goals. EPRs facilitate peer-to-peer learning, encouraging countries to improve their environmental performance both individually and collectively.

Working with over 100 countries, the OECD is a global policy forum that promotes policies to preserve individual liberty and improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.




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