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Libyan 5+5 Military Commission to meet in Libya for the first time

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Tripoli, Libya, November 1 (Infosplusgabon) - The 5+5 Joint Military Commission will meet from 2 to 4 November for a fifth round of talks and for the first time inside Libya, in the southwestern city of Ghadames, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) announced on Saturday.


"This round of talks comes after the signing of a ceasefire agreement by both delegations on 23 October in Geneva and will be attended by Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Libya Stephanie Williams," according to a statement issued by UNSMIL.


Participants will initiate discussions on the implementation of the ceasefire agreement, including through the establishment of sub-committees, as well as on a monitoring and verification mechanism, the statement said.


The permanent ceasefire agreement signed by delegations of senior officers of the regular army -- five representing the Government of National Accord (GNA) and five representing the Libyan National Army led by Marshal Khalifa Haftar -- stipulates the withdrawal of armed forces and groups from the frontlines and the departure of foreign mercenaries and fighters within three months.


It calls for the opening of land routes between Libyan cities, the resumption of air transport, the rejection of hate speech and incitement to violence in the media.


The agreement also calls for the promotion of the role of dignitaries and tribal leaders in national reconciliation and the resumption and increase in oil production.


This new meeting reflects the willingness of both sides to complete the implementation of the ceasefire agreement before the beginning of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum scheduled to begin on 9 November in Tunisia.


The Dialogue will bring together 75 personalities representing Libyan deputies, members of the High Council of State and independent political figures and civil society activists.


It will determine a transition period to be managed by a new executive authority to be appointed and which will organise general elections and a referendum on the Constitution.





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