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Mauritania: G5 Sahel experts meet in Nouakchott

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, Octobre 4 (Infosplusgabon) - A meeting of experts took place Friday in Nouakchott to prepare the 8th session of the G5 Sahel Council of Ministers scheduled for Monday in the Mauritanian capital.




Opening the meeting, G5 Sahel Executive Secretary Mama Sambo Sirikou expressed his satisfaction with the presence of all delegations "despite the particular context of the world due to the coronavirus pandemic which continues to rage, and the situation in Mali which caused many uncertainties.


Despite a particular context "with many restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, the G5 Sahel organised several high-level activities in 2020: ordinary session of the Conference of Heads of State in February, a video conference between the G5 Sahel Heads of State and the European Union (EU) in April, a G5 Sahel/France Summit in June on the follow-up of the conclusions of the Pau meeting (held in January 2020) and consultations at ministerial level", the Executive Secretary recalled.


Items on the agenda of the Nouakchott meeting, include the implementation of the Executive Secretariat's programme, the status of budget implementation, exchanges on the prospects for implementing the governance structure, and the status of implementation of the roadmap of the current presidency of the G5 Sahel.


The G5 Sahel is an organisation dedicated to the fight against terrorism, insecurity and the coordination of development efforts.


It brings together Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.






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