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Mauritanian opposition leader says Malian political crisis caused by "biased" electoral process

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, September 2 (Infosplusgabon) - The leader of the Opposition Union des Forces de Progrès (UFP), Mohamed ould Maouloud says the tense political situation in Mali is "the result of a biased electoral process" and not in line with the aspirations of the people.


Maouloud spoke on Wednesday at a press conference following the military putsch which took place after a month of street protests led by the Movement of Patriotic Forces (M5-MPF).


UFP earned a place as the "permanent" opposition party under all regimes and several times a runner-up in presidential elections in Mauritania.


He said "After the overthrow of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita (IBK) by the National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP - military junta) on August 18, we call for broad consultations between all the Malian forces, for a rapid end to the crisis at the political level, which would allow later, a solution to the military and security crisis facing the country for several years."


Maouloud, who is in favour of Mauritania's status as a "neutral" country in the Malian crisis, given its specific geographical and human characteristics and its vocation as a link, is very critical of the G5 Sahel.


A tool whose orientation in favour of "total security" because of dictatorship regimes at the command of certain countries, has not made it possible to resolve the problems of the region.


The UFP leader encourages Mauritania to undertake diplomatic efforts to stabilize Mali.


Mauritania and Mali share more than 2,000 kilometres of borders. Both countries are members of the G5 Sahel, a sub-regional organization dedicated to the fight against insecurity and the coordination of development efforts, alongside Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.


They are also members of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River alongside Guinea and Senegal.




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