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Imam Mahmoud Dicko calls on military junta in Mali to respect its commitments

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Bamako, Mali, August 23 (Infosplusgabon) - Imam Mahmoud Dicko, leader of the June 5 Movement- Rally of Patriotic Forces (M5-RFP), Saturday admonished the military and National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP), which took power Tuesday in Mali, to respect the commitments they had made.


"When I came here, I promised to prostrate myself to show my gratitude to God," said the religious leader and former president of the High Islamic Council of Mali (HCIM).


Imam Dicko was lead actor of the protests against the regime of ousted President Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita.


“I remind the soldiers that the people of Mali are watching them. May they respect their commitments!," he told the leaders of the coup, who "completed the struggle of the M5-RFP" by bringing former President Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita to resign as demanded by the movement since 5 June.


Addressing the youth, Imam Dicko said he did not appreciate the acts of looting that occurred during these events.


"It's true, we are a standing people, a dignified people. I didn't wish for the looting of the last few days. I don't want the youth to behave like this," he said.


According to him, Mali is a nation of non-violence and no revenge.


He expressed the wish that the stick of revenge be put aside in favour of that of mutual aid, of work.


"We must join hands in our exemplary brotherhood," the Imam insisted.


Speaking about the security crisis in central Mali, the Imam appealed to all Peuhls who had taken up arms, whatever the reasons, to lay them down.


"I ask the same thing of the Dogon, the CMA (Coordination of the Movements of the Azawad, the Tuareg rebellion), among others...We must agree for the interest of our nation. This country belongs to all of us," he stressed.


Imam Dicko also revealed that he had the ambition to lead a mediation inside Mali for peace to return.


"I propose, with my younger brother Cherif Ousmane Madani, my brother Cardinal Jean Zerbo, all religious personalities of Mali, under the blessing of the Sheriff of Nioro, to tour the North and Center of the country and everywhere else in Mali for the cause of peace," said the religious leader who in passing asked the Malian people to forgive former President Keita.


"I would like to tell you to forgive my big brother," Imam Dicko said in his speech, sending a message "to the friends of ECOWAS".


"Those who want to punish the martyred Malian people will be punished by the good Lord," he said of possible sanctions by the sub-regional organisation against Mali.


The other speakers at the gathering included members of the M5-RFP who thanked at length the army for its intervention.


Thanking the M5-RFP for its support, Colonel Major Ismaël Wagué, spokesperson of the CNSP, said that their action was the completion of the M5-RFP's struggle and that the army recognized itself in the fight of the opponents, while thanking the movement for its support.




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