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EU gives Tunisia 10 million Euros to help fight illegal migration

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Tunis, Tunisia, August 19 (Infosplusgabon) – The EU Commissioner for home affairs, Ylva Johansson, on Monday announced that the European Union (EU) will give Tunisia 10 million Euros to help the country acquire coast guard materials needed to fight illegal immigration.




In a statement to the press at the end of a meeting that brought together senior European and Tunisian officials, Mrs Johansson explained that the money is to help fight against human trafficking, alluding to the networks of smugglers active in illegal migration.


"EU will give the necessary support to Tunisia to implement strategic economic reforms," she said.


The Italian minister of Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, noted that the security approach to fight against illegal migration remained insignificant, saying that “Tunisia deserves all support to successfully implement its development plan”.


Earlier on Monday, the Italian minister of foreign affairs, Luigi Di Maio, warned that illegal migrants arriving in Italy will be repatriated.


A tripartite working session between Tunisia, Italy and Europe was held on Monday morning at the Carthage Palace in Tunis, under the presidency of the Tunisian President Kaîs Saied. It was devoted to the examination of the migration issue.


The European-Italian delegation included, in addition to the Italian minister of foreign affairs and the European Commissioner for the extension of neighbourhood policy, Oliver Varhelyi, the Italian minister of Interior and the European Commissioner for home affairs.





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