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France concerned about the situation in Mali after the military mutiny

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Paris, France, August 18  (Infosplusgabon) - The French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, in a statement on Tuesday, affirmed France's concern over the situation in Mali, where a military mutiny was observed on Tuesday.




According to the statement, France has also reaffirmed its commitment to Malian sovereignty and democracy.


"France has learned with concern of the mutiny that began today (Tuesday) in Kati, Mali. It condemns this serious event in the strongest possible terms. France strongly reaffirms its full commitment to Malian sovereignty and democracy," said the head of French diplomacy in Mali, adding that the French authorities at the highest level remain very attentive to developments in the situation.


Jean-Yves Le Drian added that France fully shares the position expressed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which calls for the maintenance of constitutional order and urges the military to return to their barracks without delay.


ECOWAS on Tuesday called on the Malian military to lay down their arms and return without delay to their barracks, calling on all Malian stakeholders to prioritize dialogue to resolve the crisis facing their country, recalling its firm opposition to any unconstitutional change of government.


The subregional organization reiterated its readiness, in conjunction with the United Nations, the African Union, the European Union and all of Mali's multilateral and bilateral partners, to continue to support Malian stakeholders in their efforts to resolve the crisis.


On Tuesday, 18 August, the Malian media, citing local residents, reported a mutiny in the morning at the Soundiata Kéita camp in Kati, not far from Bamako, at a time when the country is going through a socio-political problem that has already been very complex since June, with demonstrations led by Imam Mahmoud Dicko, opposition parties and civil society with the M5 Movement against President Ibrahim Boubakar Kéita, whose resignation they are demanding.


The protesters denounced the inability of the Malian authorities to deal insecurity, the economic crisis, the conditions for holding legislative elections and the decision of the Constitutional Court to reject candidates declared winners by falsifying results, including a dozen or so in favour of President Ibrahim Boubakar Keita's party.




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