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South Africa's last surviving treason trialist dead at 95

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Cape Town, South Africa, August 5 (Infosplusgabon) – Liberation hero and the last surviving Rivonia Treason Trialist Andrew Mlangeni died on Tuesday night. He was 95.


The former MP was transferred from Cape Town to a top military hospital in Pretoria following abdominal complications.


In 1961, Mlangeni was one of the first African National Congress (ANC) cadres to be sent for military training outside the country.


Shortly after his return in 1963, he was arrested along with Nelson Mandela, Denis Goldberg, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada and several other struggle heroes.


They were all jailed on Robben Island following the historic Rivonia Treason Trial where Mandela, conducting his own defence, said he was prepared to die for the cause.


After his release from prison 27 years later, Mlangeni served as an ANC MP from 1994 to 1999. He also served in the National Assembly from 2009 until 2014.


In 1999, he received the Presidential Order for Meritorious Service from Mandela in 1999.


President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed “deep sadness” about the news.


"The passing of Andrew Mekete Mlangeni signifies the end of a generational history and places our future squarely in our hands. Until recently, we were able to sit at his feet and draw on his wealth of wisdom and his unfailing commitment – even at his very advanced age – to a better life for all South Africans,” he said.




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