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Nigeria records 304 new infections, bringing total to 44,433

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Abuja, Nigeria, August 5  (Infosplusgabon) – Nigeria on Tuesday recorded 304 new coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, bringing the total number to 44,433 from 289,133 sample tests.



The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) said that the number of active cases is 11,672 while 31,851 patients have been treated and discharged. The death toll has gone up by 14 to 910.


Though the infections figures are coming down with 288 recorded on Tuesday, NCDC warned that the country is still in the middle of a pandemic and members of the public must remain extremely careful to keep the gains of the sacrifices they have made since March.


In the last seven days, statistics from the NCDC show a gradual decline in daily recorded cases from 27 July with the lowest, 288, recorded on Tuesday. New infections rose to as high as 790 on 1 July.





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