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Terrorist plan against security patrol foiled in Tunisia

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Tunis, Tunisia, July 21 (Infosplusgabon) - The Tunisian security Monday foiled an alleged terrorist plan by a Takfiri fighter to bomb a security patrol in one of the regions in the south of the country, the ministry of Interior said here in a statement.


The Takfiri fighter, whose name was not disclosed and who was unknown to the security services, is said to be a member of the organisation Daech.


The ministry said it had seized the materials the fighter intended to use for the bomb.


The security services arrested the attacker in an ambush laid in coordination with the general prosecution of the anti-terrorist judicial court, the sources said.


The ministry of Interior had recently said that its services had, thanks to a preventive operation and surveillance on the ground, arrested a Takfiri fighter and member of Daech trained in the making of toxic and deadly products he wanted to use "in operations on the ground".






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