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Cereal prices rise this week in Niger

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Niamey, Niger, July 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The price in cereal markets this week in Niger is marked by a slight increase in the prices of most agricultural commodities, reveals the Agricultural Market Information System (SIMA) newsletter.


The average price of a 100 kg sack of millet is up slightly by 3 percent compared to last week due to the pressure of demand for the product on markets in relation to the time of year. The national average price per bag of this cereal currently stands at 25 702 F CFA against 25 164 F CFA previously.


Compared to the same period in 2019 and to the average of the last five years (2015/2019), the average price is 39% and 12% higher respectively. The lowest price is recorded in Gaya (20 000 F CFA) and the highest price is recorded in Bermo (36 000 F CFA).


In Niamey, the average price of a 100 kg bag rose by 5% compared to its level of the previous week. Prices vary between 25 000 F CFA in Harobanda and 27 000 F CFA in Bonkaney and Katako.


For sorghum, the current average price of a 100 kg sack is up 3% due to the scarcity of the product on the markets being monitored, in the face of strong demand for the product that goes into the fattening of the sheep destined for the imminent Tabaski.


The national average price of the 100 kg bag is currently 21 692 F CFA against 21 063 F CFA last week. Compared to the same period last year and to the five-year average, the average price of sorghum shows increases of 32% and 6% respectively.


At the national level, the minimum price of a sack of sorghum is raised in N'Nguigmi (15 846 F CFA) while it is more expensive in the Koundoumaoua market (28 500 F CFA). In the markets followed by the capital, the average price of a 100 kg sack drops slightly by 3% on a weekly basis. These prices vary between 18,000 F CFA in Harobanda market and 20,000 F CFA in Bonkaney.


Like millet and sorghum, the current average price of a 100 kg sack of maize has increased slightly by 2 percent compared to the previous week due to a drop in supply on the markets monitored. The national average price of the 100 kg sack of this cereal currently stands at 21 435 F CFA against 21 046 F CFA last week.


Compared to the year 2019, in the same period, the price of the 100 kg sack is up by 22%. Compared to the five-year average (2015/2019), this average price is up by 4%. At the national level, the extreme prices of the 100 kg sack are raised in Téra (17 000 F CFA) and Bouza (28 000 F CFA).


In contrast to other dry cereals, the price of the 50 kg sack of imported rice fell slightly by 1% due to the good presentation of this product on the markets monitored. The national average price of the 50 kg sack is currently 21 932 F CFA against 22 045 F CFA previously. Compared to the same period last year and to the five-year average, the average price of imported rice shows an increase of 6% and 7% respectively. At the national level, the price per bag of rice ranges from 18 500 F CFA in Téra to 26 000 F CFA in N'guigmi.


In Niamey, the average price of a 50 kg sack of imported rice remains constant compared to its level of the previous week. The price of a 50 kg sack of rice is 22 000 F CFA in all markets followed closely in the capital.




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