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Congolese Senate passes air transport bills

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Brazzaville, Congo, June 27 (Infosplusgabon) - Congolese Senators gathered in a plenary session on Friday in Brazzaville, adopted four bills relating to air transport between Congo, Belgium, Gabon, China and Niger.



The law authorizes ratification of the agreements between the governments of Congo, Belgium, Gabon, China and Niger signed respectively, on June 9 and 12, March 16, and May 28, 2018 in Brazzaville, Beijing, Brussels and Lomé in Togo.


Through these agreements, designated operators or companies of each contracting party can secure the rights, and obligations in the territory of the other, to fly without landing in the territory of the other party by following routes clearly specified, established and prescribed by the aviation  authorities.


They are also intended to establish and operate international air services. The right to make stops for commercial purposes and the obligation to communicate flight  plans to each other for approval by the respective aviation authorities.


These agreements also specify that in the event of disputes arising from the interpretation or application of the agreement, governments of the two contracting parties must first seek to resolve them by direct negotiation.




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