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Coronavirus: 63 new confirmed cases, 5 recoveries, one death recorded in Congo

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Brazzaville, Congo, June 26 (Infosplusgabon) - Congo Thursday recorded 63 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), five new recoveries and one death, an official source said here.




Dr Gilbert Ndziessi, coordinator of the national technical committee of response to the COVID-19, said Congo had up-to-date recorded a total of 1,204 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 469 recoveries and 38 deaths.


He said nine out of the 12 departments were affected by the coronavirus pandemic, adding that only the departments of Niari (south), The Plateaux (center) and Likouala, in far north of the country, at the border with the Central African Republic (CAR) and Cameroun, had not yet recorded a case of coronavirus.


In another development, the Congolese minister of Health and Population, Jacqueline Lydia Mikolo, called on the population to observe strict respect for the health precaution measures issued by the government, especially the obligatory wearing of the face mask.


The two major cities, Brazzaville the capital, and Pointe-Noire, the country’s main economic and industrial hubs in the south, are the epicenters of the disease.





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