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Mauritian PM sacks Deputy, reshuffles Cabinet over alleged corruption

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Port-Louis, Mauritius, June 26 (Infosplusgabon) – Mauritian Prime Minister, Mr  Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, on Thursday sacked his Deputy, Mr. Ivan Leslie Collendavelloo, who is also the Minister of Energy and Public Utilities, following the alleged corrupt and fraudulent practices unfolding in the African Development Bank (AfDB) concerning the tender for the redevelopment of the St Louis Power Station, in Port-Louis.




Mr Jugnauth indicated that his decision was governed by the principles of integrity and the zero-tolerance policy against corruption.


He said that according to a press release from the AfDB, dated 8 June, 2020, in 2014 and 2015, Burmeister & Wain participated in tenders for the redevelopment of the St Louis power plant in Mauritius, a project financed by the Bank.


“This document indicates that an investigation conducted by the Bank’s Office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption concluded that it is likely that the company engaged in fraudulent and corrupt practices under the project," he said.


The Prime minister pointed out that evidence supports a finding that Burmeister & Wain, on a balance of probabilities, financially rewarded members of the Mauritian administration and others, through the intermediary of third parties.


Mr Jugnauath emphasized that following the circulation of the AfDB press release, the Prime Minister’s Office in Port-Louis was called upon to gather the necessary information while the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, and the Office of the Attorney General contacted the AfDB.


He explained that he took the decision to ensure that an independent investigation is carried out.


“I have received a summary of the investigation report compiled by AfDB's Office of Integrity and Anti-corruption and took stock of its findings that clearly mentions irregularities regarding both tenders and made reference to the possible involvement of Mr Collendavelloo," the Prime Minister stated.


According to him, the Office of Integrity and Anti-corruption of the AfDB is an internationally-recognised institution for its professional ethics and assured that Government will unflinchingly endorse its principles of honesty and integrity in the undertaking of the investigation.


Following the dismissal of Mr Collendavelloo, Mr Jugnauth has appointed Louis Steven Obeegadoo, as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning and Tourism, while Mr. Georges Pierre Lesjongard has been appointed to the post of Minister of Energy and Public Utilities.




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