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Coronavirus: South Africa’s president Ramaphosa calls for virus vaccine roadmap

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 25 (Infosplusgabon) – South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on the African Union to work with countries, researchers, scientists and vaccine developers to produce a roadmap on how to develop an effective and an affordable coronavirus vaccine for the African population.




President Ramaphosa, Chairman of the African Union, said the coronavirus disease was still in its early stages in Africa but a rise in new cases as a result of measures to ease lockdowns was a worrying.


“We are seeing cases rising as countries ease lockdowns,” President Ramaphosa said in speech at an AU virtual conference on Africa’s Leadership in COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Access on Wednesday.


President Ramaphosa said the African continental leaders acted decisively and in solidarity to urgently develop a strategy to combat the pandemic together.


“We have been innovative in combating our resource constraints through the establishment of the AU COVID-19 Response Fund, the African medical supplies platform which we launched recently and the partnership to accelerate the COVID-19 testing,” President Ramaphosa said.


The South African leader said innovation focused on developing an effective distribution network for a vaccine was required. He said the success in ensuring all Africans are able to access this vaccine is important.


“This meeting should produce a roadmap which involves the efforts of Africans to produce a vaccine, which is effective, safe and affordable. It is essential that there be local vaccine manufacturing on our continent. A portion of the Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) vaccine should be sourced from African manufacturers,” the AU Chairman said.


The AU estimates US$8.8 billion is required for the global development of a vaccine through GAVI, a public-private initiative to develop vaccines for diseases affecting the world.


President Ramaphosa noted the challenge of developing an effective vaccine is extremely enormous as are the resources required to ensure sufficient coverage across the continent is required.


He urged the continent’s leaders to join forces and negotiate with local donors on raising of the resources to finance the development of the vaccine.


He said the continent should mobilise resources in each country to ensure the supply of the vaccine after it is developed.


“We need to put the infrastructure for each of our countries to prepare for the rollout of the vaccine. This includes accelerating regulatory approvals, strengthening supply chains,” President Ramaphosa said.


Given the depth and capability of the continent, the African governments should also support the contribution of the African scientists and the contribution of the health workers in the vaccine efforts.


President Ramaphosa regretted the pandemic has forced many African countries to revise their budgets, including infrastructure and logistics.


He emphasised the need to finance medical research after the pandemic to ensure the continent is ready for the next pandemic.


“The coronavirus is not the last such tragedy. Let us prepare for a more responsive healthcare system capable of withstanding any threats,” President Ramaphosa said.




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