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Coronavirus: WHO to finance coronavirus vaccine research in Africa

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 24 (Infosplusgabon) – The World Health Organisation (WHO) will provide funding to the most promising coronavirus vaccine initiatives and ensure funding is available to produce doses of the coronavirus for wider distribution, Director-General Tedros Adhanom said on Wednesday.


Speaking during a virtual conference of the African Union (AU) on the coronavirus vaccine development, Tedros said the global health body would ensure quick approval of the most promising vaccine candidates and wider distribution of the doses.


“We need global solidarity by countries of all means in order to ensure the coronavirus vaccine is widely available. Throughout history, only one virus has ever been eradicated. We need a vaccine,” Tedros said.


The AU convened the meeting with the top decision-makers, including ministers of health, researchers and vaccine developers to discuss Africa’s involvement in research and development of a coronavirus vaccine.


AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat, said the continental body was keen on ensuring a potential vaccine is developed in a speedy manner to enable the continent to speedily respond to the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


The AU has proposed the formation of a foundation to work towards pooling funding required to finance the development of the coronavirus vaccine in Africa, Amina El Fadil, the AU Commissioner for Social Affairs said.


She said the AU convened the meeting to discuss a framework for Africa’s engagement in the development of the coronavirus vaccine during the virtual meeting attended by 3,000 people.


The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread rapidly in Africa.  The number of people infected across Africa climbed to 315,410 on Wednesday with 8,334 deaths reported in 54 countries, according to the Africa Centre for Disease Control (Africa CDC).


Nearly 10,758 cases are reported daily in Africa but with just 10 countries responsible for 86% of the cases reported in Africa.


South Africa accounts for 44% of the cases reported followed by Egypt, 17%, Nigeria 7%.


Africa CDC Director John Nkengasong said the absence of a vaccine trial in Africa called for worry despite the fact that at least 128 vaccine trials had already been initiated around the world.





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