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Cereal prices up this week in Niger markets

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Niamey, Niger, June 24 (Infosplusgabon) - Prices of cereal this week in Nigerien markets have risen, ranging from 2% to 4%, reveals the information bulletin of the agricultural market information system (SIMA).


According to SIMA, the increase was caused by the high demand for dry cereals for household consumption during this pre-lean period, the exhaustion of the stockpile at this time of the year and the sale of certain cereals at moderate prices.


The price of the 100-kg bag of millet, like last week, came out up to 2% compared to this week due to the high demand observed on the markets followed during this pre-welding period.


The national average bag price for this cereal is currently 22,861 CFA francs compared to 22,360 CFA francs previously.


Compared to its level last year (2019) at the same period, the average price of a bag of millet shows a significant increase by 20%. This current average price is slightly down by 1% compared to the five-year average of prices for this speculation (2015/2019).


At the national level, the lowest price of the bag is raised on the markets of Dan Issa and Magaria (19,000 CFAF) while the highest price in Iferouane (is 29,000 CFAF).


Unlike last week, the average bag price of around 100 kg of sorghum has increased by 4% compared to the previous week due to high demand for the product on the markets and the depletion of stockpiles.


The national average price of the 100 Kg bag of this cereal is currently 19,153 CFA francs compared to 18,381 CFA francs last week.


Compared to the same period last year (2019), the average price is up 14%, and compared to the average of the past five years (2015/2019), the national average price is lower by 6%.


At the national level, the minimum price of a sorghum sack is raised in Torodi (14,500 CFA francs) while it is more expensive on the Bermo market (25,000 CFA francs).


In Niamey markets, the average price of the 100 kg bag of this cereal increases by 3% in weekly variation. These prices vary between 17,000 CFA francs in Dolé (Djemagué) and 19,556 CFA francs in Wadata.


Like millet and sorghum, the average price of a sack of corn of around 100 kg is up by 3% from its level of the previous week due to the strong demand observed on the markets monitored during this period of high grain consumption.


The national average price of the 100 kg sack of this cereal is currently 20,093 CFA francs compared to 19,434 CFA francs last week. Compared to last year (2019) in the same period, the price of the 100 kg bag is up 12%. Compared to the five-year average (2015/2019), this average price is 5% lower.


At the national level, the extreme prices of the 100 kg bag are recorded in Tera (15,500 CFA francs) and in Bermo and Karofane (26,000 CFA francs).


For imported rice, the average price of a 50 kg sack is slightly up by 1% compared to its level of last week, due to the pressure of demand on the markets. The national average price of the 50 Kg bag of this cereal is currently 22,030 CFA francs compared to 21,800 CFA francs previously.


The current average price of the 50 kg bag of imported rice is up by 6% compared to its level of last year (2019), at the same period. Compared to the five-year average (2015/2019), the average price of the bag is up by 8%. Nationally, the price of a bag of rice ranges from 18,500 CFA francs in Kirtachi to 26,980 CFA francs in Goudoumaria.





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