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Trial of Rwandan terrorism suspects resumes before military court

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Kigali, Rwanda, June 22 (Infosplusgabon) - The trial of 32 suspected terrorists led by retired officer of Rwandan army, Major Habib Mudathiru, suspected of involvement in terrorism crimes, resumed on Monday before the military court in Kanombe, a suburb of Kigali.




Members of the group, which is linked to the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), a dissident organisation led by Kayumba Nyamwasa, the former renegade general of Rwandan army, are accused of multiple counts, including belonging to a terrorist organization, complicity in a terrorist act, formation of a criminal gang and financing terrorism.


They were all captured last year in terrorism activities in DR Congo, as part of an intensified campaign by the Congolese military against militia groups operating in the country before being handed over to Rwanda.


The suspects comprise Rwandans, Ugandans and Burundians, who lived in Burundi and Uganda before joining the RNC.


During a previous hearing last year, the prosecution said that all the suspects were facilitated mainly by Uganda and Burundi to join the ‘P5’, a coalition of Rwandan opposition political organisations.


P5 comprises the Amahoro People’s Congress (AMAHORO-PC), the Forces Démocratiques Unifées-Inkingi (FDU INKINGI), the People’s Defence Pact-Imanzi (PDP-IMANZI), the Social Party-Imberakuri (PS IMBERAKURI) and the Rwanda National Congress (RNC).


Nyamwasa was in 2011 sentenced in absentia to 24 years in prison after he was convicted of multiple charges including terrorism, genocide denial and crimes against humanity.





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