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Libya invokes UN Security Council resolution In response to Egyptian president al-Sissi's military intervention threat

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Tripoli, Libya, June 22 (Infosplusgabon) - Libyan Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohamed al-Gueblawi on Sunday reminded the international community that UN Security Council resolutions have asked all states to help the internationally-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) "impose security and prevent terrorism" in the North African country.




In a statement posted on Sunday evening on the website of the Foreign Media Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he said: "UN Security Council resolutions urge all countries to provide assistance to the Government of National Accord to impose security and prevent terrorism at its request, as stated in Resolution 2441."


He was reacting to Saturday's threat of by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi of direct military intervention by his country in Libya if GNA forces progressed on the ground towards Sirte in central Libya and al-Jafra, which he described  as "a red line".


President al-Sissi claimed that his country possessed international legitimacy provided by the UN Charter of self-defence as well as from the only the legitimate elected body represented by the Libyan Parliament in Tobruk in the east.


He also asked the Egyptian army to be ready to cary out missions inside or outside the country to rotet its national securiy.


However, the Libyan foreign ministry official dismissed this pointing out that the Charter of the United Nations prohibits the use of force or threat between member states, adding that the threat of Egyptian President "is contrary to this Charter".


"The right to defence is guaranteed to us by Article 51 of the UN Charter and the international legitimacy represented in UN Security Council resolutions," al-Gueblawi said.


He said that Resolution 2441 makes the action of President al-Sissi and other countries supporting aggression clearly outside international legitimacy adding that by undermining the GNA this represents a violation of legally binding international obligations under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.


The Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord on Sunday denounced President al-Sissi's threats of military intervention as a "declaration of war".


Libya, with its huge oil resources, has seen a power struggle betwwen the UN recognised GNA based in Tripoli and the Libyan National Army led by Marshal Khalifa Haftar, whose 14-month adventure to capture Tripoli evaporated a few weeks ago when GNA forces supported by Turkey drove them out.


Haftar is supported by Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Russia (through the Wagner mercenaries), among others.





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