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Libyan Presidential Council dismisses Egyptian president al-Sssi's military intervention threat

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Tripoli, Libya, June 22 (Infosplusgabon) - The Libyan Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord (GNA) on Sunday dismissed threats of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi to militarily intervene in Libya as interference in the country's internal affairs and violation of its sovereignty.




"It is unacceptable and reprehensible, and it is considered an act of aggression and interference, and it is a declaration of war," the Libyan Presidential Council said.


In a statement, the Presidential Council reminded all countries that the GNA is "the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan state" and it has the sole right to determine the form and type of its agreements and alliances.


"We have been calling for a peaceful political solution to the crisis for years, and we have spared no effort for this until the brutal aggression against our people by the war criminal and his supporters and backers began at a time when several countries were sitting idle as violations and massacres were committed," it said.


The threat of the Egyptian president is seen as a way of supporting Marshal Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National Army (LNA), whose 14-month assault on the Libyan capital, Tripoli, has collapsed under a series of defeats following the support of Turkey to the GNA.


Haftar is supported by United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Russia, whose Wagner mercenaries have been fighting alongside Haftar. Haftar had rejected all peace efforts for years, opting for a military solution but on 6 June  accepted the "Cairo Declaration" made by President al-Sissi.


The Presidential Council's statement noted that when "(Haftar's) project of tyranny" was defeated and broken, "we find these same countries now talking about dialogue and political solutions, or even publicly threatening military intervention".


The Presidential Council said that whatever dispute there is among Libyans, it will not allow attacks against the people and the use of threatening and intimidating language.


"All of Libya is a red line, and red lines are defined by the blood of martyrs and not by inflammatory statements," the Council stressed.


The Presidential Council wondered where these people were when Libyans were killed and wounded in the thousands during the liberation of Sirte and the expulsion of Daech, and whether those who liberated it at the time were terrorists.


"We alone determine the place and time of our military operations to clean up our lands and extend the authority of the state throughout the country."


"We will vigorously confront any threat against our country, and these countries should deal with their problems and security threats on their territory," the Presidential Council said. It warned of "the dangers of any interference in our internal affairs that would contribute to destabilising the region in an unprecedented manner".


It noted that stability and development are not achieved through the support of warlords and putschists.


The Presidential Council called on the international community to assume its responsibilities in the face of this escalation.


It reiterated its acceptance of the role of any mediator who is neutral and capable of bringing Libyans together and through the UN process, and not through unilateral initiatives in favour of those who are outlaws and who completely ignore the reality of the situation and the nature of the Libyan crisis.


On Saturday the Egyptian president waved the threat of direct military intervention by his country in Libya if government forces progressed on the ground towards Sirte in central Libya and al-Jafra, which he saw as a red line.


Mr al-Sissi claimed that his country possessed international legitimacy provided by the UN Charter of self-defence as well as the only legitimate elected body represented by the Libyan Parliament in Tobruk in the east.





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