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Coronavirus: Ten cases of Covid-19 registered in Tunisia

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Tunis, Tunisia, June 20 (Infosplusgabon) - Tunisia has registered ten new confirmed cases of the coronavirus (Covid-19), following laboratory tests carried out on 605 samples, including 9 in the framework of the follow-up of former patients, the Tunisian Ministry of Health announced on Saturday.




The ten cases which are all detected among returnees who have been quarantined, bring to 1,156, the total number of infections recorded in the country since the beginning of the pandemic. The contamination is distributed as follows: 1,017 cured cases, 50 deaths and 89 cases under treatment, the ministry said.


The total tests carried out in the country since the start of the pandemic are 65,515.


In addition, laboratory analysis carried out on four Ivorians from Algeria are declared positive. They were transferred to the Monastir isolation center (160 km south of Tunis) for medical follow-up.






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