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Niger to turn to digital terrestrial television by December 2020

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Niamey, Niger, June 16 (Infosplusgabon) - Niger will by the end of this year turn to digital terrestrial television (DTT), Minister of Communication Habi Mahamadou Salissou said here Monday before parliament.




“Since 2015, year marking the beginning of the migration to the digital terrestrial television, the order of expenses would be by less than 28 billion CFAF and all instruments were deployed in the country, a large territory of 1,267,000 square meters,” said the minister who was answering questions in parliament on topical national issues.


The digital terrestrial television will be deployed in the eight Nigerien regions with 54 centers, said Salissou.


“By the year 2020, we are sure and certain that we’ll turn to the digital terrestrial television,” he said.


For nearly two years, DTT has been in a testing phase in Niger and all national channels - two public and 13 private - are on the national channel package.


According to the minister, by the year 2021, televised programmes that are not digitalized will be truly obsolete.


“For this, the government has implemented a programme to buy decoders for about 2 billion CFAF accompanied with a massive information and sensitization campaign for populations on that migration,” he stated.





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