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Coronavirus: South Africa's military addresses Covid-19 lockdown abuses

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Cape Town, South Africa, June 15 (Infosplusgabon) – The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) on Monday condemned acts of violence during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown after a video clip surfaced of an unidentified man dressed in army fatigues assaulting a woman in Durban.


Infosplusgabon reports that there have been numerous incidents over the past couple of months where police and soldiers have been filmed or photographed assaulting people violating lockdown regulations.


And in one high-profile case, Collins Khoza was killed by soldiers and police on April 10, following a severe beating in Johannesburg’s Alexandra township. However, his attackers were cleared following an internal probe.


The SANDF expressed concern over the latest incident.


"Investigations have been launched to identify the coward in the clip by the relevant Military Police officials," it said in a statement.




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