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Benin's court for economic offences to hear 13 bad governance cases

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Cotonou, Benin, June 15 (Infosplusgabon) - Thirteen cases of bad governance in the Beninese administration will be examined during the 4th criminal session of the Court for Repression of Economic Offences and Terrorism (CRIET), which started on  Monday in Porto-Novo, judicial sources said.




According to the special prosecutor at the CRIET, Gilbert Ulrich Togbonon, eleven of the cases relate to embezzlement of public funds and involve executives working or having worked in public administration and other state structures.


These include the Court of First Instance of Lokossa (105 km from Cotonou), the former National Food Security Office (ONASA), the Regional Support Centre for Rural Development (CARDER), the Hubert Koutoukou Maga National University Hospital Centre (CNHU-HKM) of the University of Parakou, the General Tax Directorate (DGI), the Beninese Electric Power Corporation (SBEE), the Beninese Armed Forces (FAB) and the Financial Affairs Department of the Ministry of Secondary Education, Vocational Training, Reconversion and Youth Integration (MESFPRIJ).


During this session of the court for 2019-2020, eighteen defendants will appear before the court.




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