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Mali's next government has no right to make mistakes, promises President Kéita

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Bamako, Mali,  June 15 (Infosplusgabon) - Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita said in a message to his countrymen on Sunday, amid a tense political climate, that the next government team will have no right to make mistakes.



"It cannot be a simple change of government. It will be a government of change, exclusively focused on pre-defined and measurable outcomes. (It will address, among other things, under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the urgent implementation of the results of the Inclusive National Dialogue, which has highlighted all the priorities of the Malian people that are of a security, social, political and governance nature," President Kéita said.


The president has recently faced a challenge from political groups and associations that had called for his resignation during a demonstration on 5 June in place of Bamako's independence.


He said he was watching these recent events closely and hearing the anger and shouting, the demands and the arrests.


"Every Malian who suffers or manifests, appeals to me and deserves my attention, because my mission is to serve Mali," said President Keita.


"First of all, I will work to resolve the school crisis by instructing the Prime Minister to reach an agreement with the teachers' union as soon as possible. I attach value to the complete and rapid resolution of this crisis which has lasted only too long." The teachers' strike over wage demands has lasted over the last three to four months.


The President also intends to meet with all stakeholders on the health issue, including the Malian College of Physicians and users, to accelerate the implementation of the modernization plan for all hospitals in Bamako.


With regard to the last parliamentary election which have been the subject of serious protests in some parts of the country, President Kéita pledges to seek "an appropriate and urgent solution in order to respond to the frustrations expressed".


It is recalled that the Constitutional Court invalidated the results proclaimed by the Ministry of Territorial Administration, which gave victory of political parties in several localities of the country and in Bamako, to the benefit of the ruling party.


The Malian president, who met on Sunday with religious denominations, the founding families of Bamako and part of civil society, grouped within the Framework of Action, Mediation and Watch, to calm the political climate, revealed that he will soon meet with the actors of the 5 June demonstration, including influential Imam Mahmoud Dicko.


"My door is therefore open and my hand is always outstretched. For we must remain together in this great purpose for Mali. This project of a great Mali, I never stopped believing. It is within our reach," said President Kéita.


Last Thursday, President Kéita reappointed Boubou Cissé as Prime Minister after he resigned from his government.


He asked him to form a new government team according to the size and qualification criteria recommended by the National Inclusive Dialogue (DNI) held last December in Bamako.


The DNI has brought together all the components of Malian society, in order to find solutions to the multifaceted crisis (political, security, economic, social) that Mali is experiencing.


Following the work, the participants made strong recommendations, including the organisation of legislative elections before 2 May, the redeployment of the reconstituted army and administration throughout the country, the rereading of certain articles of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement, giving pride of place to the former rebels of northern Mali, and the organisation of a constitutional referendum.


Apart from the parliamentary elections deemed poorly organised, all other recommendations are difficult to implement.


The initiators of the 5 June demonstration have denounced this slow implementation of these recommendations, the poor governance and mismanagement of the crises that the country is going through.





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