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Coronavirus: Mauritius records massive drop in tourist arrivals

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Port-Louis, Mauritius, June 15 (Infosplusgabon) - Statistics Mauritius on Monday said that the island has recorded a massive drop in tourist arrivals – from 205,319 in April and May 2019 to only 30 for the same period in 2020.



It said from January to May 2020, the island received a total of 304,872 as compared to 557,684 tourists for the same period in 2019.


Mauritius has prohibited the entry of aircraft and ships to the island until 31 August, except for those as may be approved by the Prime Minister to check the import of coronavirus.


The quarantine period would also be in force in Mauritius as until 31 August.


Over the weekend, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, at a media briefing session on the Covid-19 situation in the island, said that the tourism industry is one of the most important pillars of the island’s economy.


“In this context, the government has decided that Rs 500 million will be made available to sustain employment in this sector,” he announced. (Rs 39.00= US$1)





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