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COVID-19: Kenya confirms 137 new virus cases

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Nyeri, Kenya, June 14 (Infosplusgabon) - Kenya recorded 137 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday, raising the infections tally to 3,594.


Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe, speaking in Othaya, central Kenya, said the new cases were confirmed from 3,167 samples.


“We must take this issue very seriously and always assume that the person next to you is positive, you must protect yourself at all times,” he emphasised.


By June 14, the virus had spread to 38 counties across the country with 100 lives lost. So far 1,221 patients have recovered, while 100 have died.


Kagwe reaffirmed the government's  commitment to protecting health workers with an adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs).


“The most important people in this war against COVID-19 are our health workers. We will protect our health workers to the best of our ability,” he said.


The government has set for the country's 42 counties an initial target of at least 300 isolation beds as it gears up for the peak of the infections.




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