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Retired midfielder Shollei joins race for Kenya FA presidency

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Nairobi, Kenya, June 14 (Infosplusgabon) - Former international  midfielder Sammy Shollei has joined the race for the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) presidential seat.


Shollei, who played for both the national team and former Kenya Premier League Champions, Kenya Breweries, now Tusker FC, announced his candidature on Sunday.


Shollei is not new to football administration, having served briefly as FKF vice president.


He worked in IT and finance at Kenya Breweries Limited. He is currently running an IT business.


Shollei told the media that if elected he will strengthen football at the grassroots as the best approach to revamping the sport in Kenya.


''Whereas I have no problem with football played at the higher level, I would prefer spending more time at the grassroots on the rough pitches because there is a lot of talent down there,'' he said.


The FKF elections, initially set for December 7, have been cancelled, delayed or postponed due to a number of cases filed by stakeholders.




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