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Mines planted in Tripoli by retreating pro-Haftar forces kill 28, injure 40

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Tripoli, Libya, June 12 (Infosplusgabon) - Mines and explosive devices planted in the southern and south-eastern outskirts of Tripoli by the retreating Haftar soldiers have hit 68 victims, leaving 28 dead and 40 injured.



According to the National Human Rights Committee in Libya, technicians from Turkey are on the ground to clear the mines and explosive devices from the affected areas.


The Committee, a Libyan NGO, revealed the preliminary statistics of mine victims and remnants of war among civilians, as well as technical field staff specializing in mine clearance in the south and southwest of the city of Tripoli and surrounding areas.


In a statement, the Committee stressed that "it has monitored and documented these acts, which constitute 'serious' war crimes in accordance with the provisions of international humanitarian law and national laws and legislation".


It called on all displaced persons to remain where they are until the competent security authorities have finished securing the areas and removing all mines and remnants of war from them.


Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Government of National Accord (GNA) has revealed the presence of a Turkish team specializing in mine clearance which has recently started work in the areas south of Tripoli, the city of Tarhouna (120 km south of Tripoli) and other areas which have been the scene of clashes during the last period".


The Minister, Mohamed Taher Siala, on Thursday in Tripoli received the Turkish Ambassador to Libya, Sarhan Aksen, with whom he discussed the latest developments in Libya and the Libyan-Turkish cooperation in all fields.


A statement by the ministry said the Turkish ambassador indicated that Turkey will continue with their support for the Libyan people and the GNA as the legitimate government in the country, and that this position derives from international laws and Security Council resolutions on Libya.


The Foreign Ministry added that Mr. Siala and the Turkish ambassador also discussed the demining work by Turkish experts.


The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has denounced the presence of mines in populated areas, claiming that these are acts prohibited by international humanitarian law.





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